Tree branches over roof and mold

Trees provide shade to your home which helps reduce cooling costs in the hot summer. However when branches are over your roof the shingles tend to stay damp a long time after it rains and debeis falls from the tree which can accumulate on your roof. This can lead to a growth of moss, cyanobacteria lichen and gloeocapsa magna.
These growths inhibit the roof from properly functioning as designed in terms of cooling, heating and water run off. Growth can migrate underneath the shingles and cause the shingles to uplift and result in premature degradation. There are also enzymes in the algea which break down the adhesive in the asphault which holds on the particles. This can result in making the roof shingles brittle and more susceptible to u.v. harm. Also once this stuff starts growing other debris from the tree will become caught on it resulting in more growth and eventually the debris may wash in and clog up your gutters.
One of the easiest ways to aid in the prevention of all these invaders is to ensure your roof receives adequate airflow and sunlight if possible.
We can prune your trees in a way that does not harm or kill the tree while still getting it away from your roof.