How to save my ash tree from the emerald ash borer eab?

As more ash trees begin to die from the emerald ash borer time is running out to save your tree. The right time to treat any ash tree is now, before the tree is infested with larvae. Once an infestation is severe the tree can no longer translocate the insecticide up to the branches or other areas of the trunk where the feeding is taking place.
We use an injection system to deliver product directly into the vascular system for fast uptake. Through educational workshops we have learned this to be superior to any other form of application.
Just the other day I met with a homeowner who hired someone else to treat their trees. The arborist applied something to the bark which did not do the job and both trees died.
Give us a call and I will be glad to assess your trees and provide you with the best advice possible. Also if the trees are too far gone I will advise you of that and make sure you understand the probability of success and the cost analysis of treatment versus removal.
Here at LaPila Arborists and Design, LLC we have helped many ash tree owners keep their trees. We can help you too.