Large Tree Removal with Crane

LaPila Arborists takes down a large tree in Andover, CT

We received a call from some very nice folks in Andover about pruning their fruit trees. While we were taking a look at the apples, peaches and cherry trees I we happened to notice a large locust with a split in the main trunk. The tree had another tree leaning on it from the woods and was aimed right at the garage. It was only a matter of time before the tree crushed the whole garage.

When you are out in your yard take a look around and if you have any questions about your trees feel free to give us a call.

The tree was splitting right at the base.
We hoisted the tree out in large pieces safely and efficiently.
Loading logs.
All cleaned up.

The base of the tree was full of dirt and old metal fence so we had to leave it a little high. All done like we were never there. The home owners were very happy with our work and already hired us for another job.

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