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Tree cutting in Glastonbury, CT
As professionals we handle situations where trees are over a house or leaning over a home all the time. Rest assured we have the experience, knowledge and equipment to get the job done safely and effectively. Don’t those rhodedendron look fabulous!

Tree Removal in Simsbury, CT
Here we removed a decaying red maple, some scrubby maple trees interfering with a pine and pruned a couple of limbs. There was also a old dead cedar top stuck in a nearby maple we removed free of charge for a long time client of ours. Remember that only a company supervised by a licensed…

Tree and Brush Clearing
Here you can see a bunch of overgrown brush and trees. With some hard work we had this area so clear that you could have literally thrown down grass seed and mowed it eventually. We have the equipment to handle even the gnarliest of clearing jobs. Don’t wait for it to grow more out of…

Is tree climbing safe?
What’s safe? Is it safe to be 70 ft up in the air connected to a rope via a carabiner? Depends who you ask. Proper gear when inspected before every climb is extremely reliable. But what about the tree itself? Sometimes a tree introduces factors which are very unpredictable. This could be species characteristics or…
Deer Repellent
The winter season is almost upon us. When the forest foraging gets scarce for deer and other animals they will need to seek out other forms of nourishment. That could mean your arborvitae trees or other plantings around your home. We here at LaPila Arborists and Design, LLC have the proper licensing and the necessary…

How to save my ash tree from the emerald ash borer eab?
As more ash trees begin to die from the emerald ash borer time is running out to save your tree. The right time to treat any ash tree is now, before the tree is infested with larvae. Once an infestation is severe the tree can no longer translocate the insecticide up to the branches or…