Storm Tree Damage in Wethersfield, Glastonbury, Rocky Hill Area
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Storm Tree Damage in Wethersfield, Glastonbury, Rocky Hill Area

When high winds rip through they can leave a path of devestation it their wake. Trees that are hung up and on buildings require special care and expertise to handle safely.  We have that expertise and the equipment to get the job done safely. We are close by and can get to Rocky Hill and…

Who you gonna call…Tree on house from storm removal with LaPila Arborists

Who you gonna call…Tree on house from storm removal with LaPila Arborists

When tragedy strikes and your home and life are at stake from a tree, who you gonna call?  LaPila Arborists! After uncommonly high winds the past couple of weeks a tree that was in a wooded parcel of land next to a homeowner’s home blew over and landed on their roof.  This was not a…