
Clients ask, “should I cut my tree down?”

Often homeowners have a tree which they are somewhat afraid of.  From this fear they conclude that it should come down.  

Sometimes however this is a tree which they really like.  When a large tree is near a home or building there is always the potential for damage.  How much potential is directly related to the health of the tree.

Because we here at LaPila Arborists and Design believe that trees should be saved and preserved whenever possible our manager and arborist”Arbor Al”® has also become a Connecticut Certified  Advanced Tree Warden.

There are a lot of factors to consider when assessing a tree.  This takes years of study and practical field experience.  Just because a “tree guy” says a tree needs to come down does not make it so.

It takes a real professional to make these determinations which will guide you towards making the right decision.


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