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A thank you note
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Cutting back overgrown trees
Here we have an example of a pine hedge row which has grown too large for the space. The branches were actually growing over the roadway and motorists were forced in some areas to drive over the center of the road to avoid scratching their cars. Trucks had to drive in the wrong lane! Sometimes…
Tree and Brush Removal in Rock Hill
Our clients take great pride in maintaning their properties. However it is sometimes easy to overlook an important matter which can turn into a much larger job over time. As we can see here a tree that was much too close to the fence became a towering mass of vines. We cleared out the entire…
Large Tree Removal with Crane
LaPila Arborists takes down a large tree in Andover, CT We received a call from some very nice folks in Andover about pruning their fruit trees. While we were taking a look at the apples, peaches and cherry trees I we happened to notice a large locust with a split in the main trunk. The…
What’s in a tree removal?
Often a tree removal seems like a simple cut and dry project. I call it a project because that is what it is, not just a simple job to do. From the initial call or email to look at the tree to dropping a load of wood chips off at the farm for recycling everything…