Why Should I Inspect My Trees?
Because trees are living organisms subject to a host of challenges everyday from weather to insects.
At first glance a tree may look structurally sound but maybe not. We were working in Newington pruning a tree over a house when we noticed a major defect in another limb. We had inspected the tree a couple of months prior and this was a new condition.
Sure enough there was fresh wood visible in the middle of a branch and I could see inside it. Given the size of the limb and the fact that it twisted and grew over the house we discussed options with the home owner and together decided upon removal of the limb. Now the house and inhabitants are protected.
You can monitor trees yourself and if you notice anything out of the ordinary be sure to call an arborist to take a look. It is also a good idea to schedule a consultation when everything looks fine. An arborist will be able to spot potential problems and make recommendations before an unexpected expense. Also your trees will be in better condition giving you peace of mind.
All you need to do is hit the call button, talk to us and you will be on your way to better tree health.