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Spring storm cleanup
The snow is almost gone! Using big equipment is fun and makes a job go much quicker however that is not always the best tool for the job given conditions. Melting snow and spring rain can create soft or muddy conditions in your yard. We have the necessary equipment and tools to accomplish tree work…

Cutting back overgrown trees
Here we have an example of a pine hedge row which has grown too large for the space. The branches were actually growing over the roadway and motorists were forced in some areas to drive over the center of the road to avoid scratching their cars. Trucks had to drive in the wrong lane! Sometimes…

Do I need to hire an arborist?
That depends on where you are. In CT anything such as pruning, cabling, applying pesticides or improving the health of the tree requires an arborist. “But it is just a branch, my landscaper can cut it off.” Are you sure about that? For one it is against the law, two it may cause damage which…

Pruning Japanese Maple Tree
Here in Rocky Hill over near Trinity Ridge LaPila Arborists beautifies a seasoned japanese maple tree. It takes a little t.l.c. along with a pair of hand pruners.
Planting new trees
The hill looked barren and our client wanted to spruce it up. We offered him a few options to discuss with his wife and once they made a decision it was time to get started. With the holes ready to go it was time to take the trees off the truck. The trees are in!…

Roof Clearing and Shrubs
With all of this snow many people have had to clear their roofs which results in lots of snow piling up near the foundations of buildings. It is important to think of the ornamental trees and shrubs which may be under there. By taking care not to crush them property owners can avoid having to…